Sandor Kasas Member, Switzerland

Dr. Sandor Kasas, Medical Doctor, Privat Docent in embryology and histology, Senior Researcher at LPMV (EPFL), MER at the Plateforme de Morphologie, the Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland. Autor over 90 scientific publications, over 3400 citations, Inventor of nano-motion detector.

Sandor Kasas started working on biological applications of the atomic force microscope (AFM) since 1992. He was among the very first researchers to image living cells with this instrument and to apply it to measure the mechanical properties of biological samples. In 1997 he was the very first to directly observe transcription by AFM. More recently he developed and patented a novel AFM imaging mode referred to as Stiffness Tomography. Five years ago S. Kasas co-developed and patented a novel technique to determine in a timeframe of minutes the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. The device that is now manufactured at the EPFL, can also be used as life detector for in extreme environments. His publication about this topic received a worldwide media coverage.